
CS2 Mirage Map And Mirage Callouts

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As a mainstay in the Active Duty Map Pool, Mirage (de_Mirage) is a balanced and thrilling iconic Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) map. It’s also quite popular among players, so if you want to compete in tournaments or climb the competitive CS2 Ranks in Premier Mode, you’ll need to study the map as best you can.

With our in-depth Mirage guide (complete with Mirage Callouts), you’ll learn tactics for both the Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist sides on each bomb site, and the must-know callouts to effectively communicate strategies and positions to your teammates.

Before we dive into a guide to the Mirage Map, why not check out the latest CS2 odds?

Mirage Overview

Michael “BubkeZ” Hull is the original creator of Mirage. The map was first called Strike (de_cpl_strike) when it was specifically created for the Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL) in CS 1.6. But Hull also shared a non-CPL version known as “de_Mirage.”

Mirage features a suburban Moroccan design and is known for its fantastic visibility throughout the virtual battlefield. It was officially released in CS:GO on June 6, 2013, and quickly entered the Active Duty Map Pool.

Like Nuke and Inferno, Mirage in CS2 has remained a tournament staple. As a “Touchstone” map, Valve only made some visual improvements via the new Source 2 engine, leaving the layout intact from its CS:GO version.Mirage is the most-played competitive CS map of all time, and it’s still going strong today. In CS2 esports, it’s the 3rd most-played map, according to HLTV.

Mirage is the only map to appear in every CS:GO Major Championship, and it has appeared in both CS2 Major Championships (Copenhagen and Shanghai) thus far.

At B Van, you’ll see an AWP with wings and four red skulls. This graffiti was added after the MLG Columbus 2016 Major Championship, where Brazilian legend Marcelo “coldzera” David scored four kills in quick succession using the “big green,” including a no-scope collateral (one bullet kills multiple players).

Mirage is generally considered well-balanced. In competitive CS2, the outcome slightly favors the CT side, with 51.6% round wins compared to 48.4% for the T side.

Mirage Callouts

There is a total of 53 Mirage callouts that players use to communicate their own position and the location of their opponents. You’ll find all the Mirage callouts in CS2 below.

  • A Site
  • B Site
  • CT Spawn
  • T Spawn
  • Booth (or Ticket Booth)
  • Trash Can
  • Tripple Box
  • CT
  • Tetris
  • Sandwich
  • A Stairs
  • A Ramp
  • Firebox
  • Balcony
  • Ninja
  • Palace
  • Balcony
  • Pillar
  • Shadows
  • T Roof
  • Jungle
  • Connector
  • Chair
  • Mid
  • Mid Boxes
  • Top Mid
  • Catwalk
  • Side Alley
  • Cart
  • Apps Ramp
  • Apps
  • House (or TV House)
  • Back Alley
  • Underpass
  • Boost
  • Nest
  • Vent
  • Ladder Room
  • B Short
  • B Default
  • Sneaky
  • Window
  • Market
  • B Door
  • E-box
  • Kitchen
  • Short Corner
  • B Apartments
  • Van
  • B Platform
  • B Boost (or Boost Boxes)
  • Arches
  • Empty

Best Strategy For Terrorists On Mirage

Since Mirage is slightly CT-favored, scoring five rounds on the T side in the first half of play is considered a strong performance. Even so, you’ll always want to win as many rounds as possible, which requires knowledge of how to attack both sites.

Attacking A Site

Mirage’s A Site is the closest bomb site to the T and CT Spawn areas, making it equally tempting and daunting to attack. The avenues of attacking the A Site are situational, depending on if the Ts can get Mid-control and open up Connector as a route into the site.

The best tactic for an A Site execute is to use two players through A Ramp, two through Connector, and one lurking through Palace to attack the A Site. As you breach the A Site, use Molotovs to clear out possible CT positions, such as Sandwich, Firebox, or Ticket Booth. Use additional utility to block off CT reinforcements from Jungle and CT spawn.

Attacking B Site

To attack the B Site, the Ts must first attempt to fake an A Site push, possibly by applying pressure while trying to claim Mid control. In addition to this pressure, use a lurker to make noise on A Ramp. Then, try to pull one defender off the B Site or at least force the CT lurker to move closer to A Site.

Once you pull a CT off the B Site or get an early kill, push three players through Apartment and one through B Short. Also, allow your lurker to sneak through Market. Use Molotovs at Van and Bench to force CTs off favorable angles, then use a Market Window smoke to cut off visibility and stop CT rotations.

Best Strategy For Counter-Terrorists On Mirage

In a pre-plant situation, CTs generally have two on the B Site, two on the A Site, and one player lurking in or close to the Nest or Underpass areas. This is called a “default” tactic, which you can use when defending both A and B Site. It’s a very reactionary style where you should avoid retakes wherever possible, so we’ll discuss gameplay and positioning your A Site and B Site defenders below.

Defending A Site

Use your AWPer to hold the Palace angle, and throw utility into A Ramp when necessary. An early and clean kill from your AWPer on an aggressive Palace player can put the Ts in a difficult position with no clear path towards victory in most rounds. Alternatively, AWPers can play aggressively and try to get a kill on Connector if you lose control of Mid.

Always listen to your team and keep communication open to know if an A Site attack is imminent. CTs can use the Tripple Box position to great effect against a Connector push. Throw a Connector smoke just before or in the first few seconds of an attack, and let your riflers use the Firebox and Sandwich positions to take cover and hold angles with your crosshair on the head height of enemies. You can also throw a Stairs smoke to block off vision if you lose Connector.

Defending B Site

Defending the B Site is about positioning and playing around the various strong positions. We recommend putting two players on the B Site defense—one at Van to peek through Apartments and the other at Bench or E Box. Use utility to prevent anyone from pouring in through Arches with ease.

For a solid B Site defense, your lurker can play around B Short, Underpass, or possibly Nest, taking an aggressive approach and looking for an opening kill. Once your side confirms a B Site attack, CTs can call for reinforcements from the Lurker and at least one A Site defender who can move through CT Spawn and then Market.

Go Forth And Conquer Mirage

You’ve got the knowledge and all the callouts at your fingertips, so now all that’s left is to use this info in your upcoming session! Impress your squadmates the next time you fire up CS2 by employing some of the tactics we outlined above and, who knows, you may have a leg up on the competition.

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