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At the end of every Valorant Champions Tour (VCT) season, the fan-favorite VALORANT Champions event takes place. This is a special tournament in the VALORANT esports world and has been known in the past to experience peak viewership numbers of...
Bind is one of the oldest competitive Valorant maps, available since the Closed Beta on April 7, 2020. Pro teams and any serious competitive players who plan to climb the ranks are consistently refining their Bind map strategies. If you...
Valorant is among the most enticing shooters in the esports world, whether you’re a player or a spectator. Its appeal tempts new gamers to join the action every day, but be warned: Riot Games’ popular FPS has a steep learning...
Valorant is a multiplayer FPS game released by Riot Games on June 2, 2020. If you are used to competitive FPS games, it might be time to visit Valorant. Since its debut, it has attracted millions of players and monthly...
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