
Understanding Player’s Global and Odds Limits in Betting

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In the world of betting, managing risk (for both player and operator) and ensuring fair play are crucial. Two essential mechanisms that help achieve this are the Player’s Global Limit and the Player’s Odds Limit. This blog post delves into what these limits are, how they function, and how they work together to protect both players and betting operators.

Player’s Global Limit:

  • Definition: The maximum total amount a player can bet across all wagers combined, regardless of the odds within one selection in the market.
  • Scope: Applies to all bets a player makes, cumulatively.
  • Purpose: To cap the overall betting exposure or risk for the player.
  • Example: If the global limit is €4,000, the player cannot bet more than €4,000 in total across all wagers within one selection in the market.

Player’s Odds Limit:

  • Definition: The maximum amount a player can bet on a specific set of odds in a single wager.
  • Scope: Applies to individual wagers on specific odds.
  • Purpose: To limit the exposure or risk on a single set of odds.
  • Example: If the odds limit is €1,000, the player cannot bet more than €1,000 on any single set of odds at once.

How They Work Together:

Let’s take the following scenario. A player has a:

  • Global Limit  of €4,000
  • Odds Limit of €1,000
  1. Initial Bet:
    • The player places a bet of €1,000 on odds of 1.65.
    • Remaining Global Limit: €3,000 (€4,000 – €1,000)
    • Remaining Odds Limit for 1.65: €0 (€1,000 – €1,000)
  2. Odds Update:
    • Odds change from 1.65 to 2.01.
    • The player’s odds limit is reset.
    • New Odds Limit for 2.01: €1,000 (reset)
    • Remaining Global Limit: €3,000 (unchanged)
  3. Second Bet:
    • The player places another bet of €1,000 on odds of 2.01.
    • Remaining Global Limit: €2,000 (€3,000 – €1,000)
    • Remaining Odds Limit for 2.01: €0 (€1,000 – €1,000)
  4. Odds Revert:
    • Odds revert back to 1.65.
    • The player’s odds limit for 1.65 is reset again.
    • New Odds Limit for 1.65: €1,000 (reset)
    • Remaining Global Limit: €2,000 (unchanged)
  5. Third Bet:
    • The player places another bet of €1,000 on odds of 1.65.
    • Remaining Global Limit: €1,000 (€2,000 – €1,000)
    • Remaining Odds Limit for 1.65: €0 (€1,000 – €1,000)

This process can continue until the player reaches their global limit of €4,000.

Key Points:

  • Global Limit: Ensures the total amount bet by the player does not exceed a set maximum across all wagers.
  • Odds Limit: Limits how much a player can bet on a particular set of odds at one time, but resets with each odds update.
  • Reset Mechanism: When odds are updated, the odds limit resets, allowing the player to bet up to the odds limit again on the new odds, and even on the original odds if they revert back. 

As usual, we are here if you need any help in understanding how these two different limits work. If you want to get in touch with support all you need to do is either click on the floating chat button in the bottom right corner or send us an email on: [email protected] 

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